Family Law Attorneys Who Care

Full-Service Family Law Representation

Family law cases can be both emotionally and financially taxing on individuals and their families. Most family law cases involving many moving parts.  In cases involving children, you need to think about who has the right to make certain decision regarding the children, what the possession schedule will look like particularly in times when you may not get along with the other parent, and how parents should best provide for their children (i.e., guideline child support, above guideline child support, offset child support, or no child support and a splitting of expenses related to the children).  Additionally, parents have to take into account dental support as well as medical support since the law changed September 1, 2018.  Child cases can also be complicated when a parent receives government benefits for the children, such as Medicaid (without a disability) and TANF.  All of these subjects, as well as though subjects not frequently thought of, like CCMS, are important for parents to consider when entering into a binding agreement or court order regarding their children.  An experienced family law attorney can help you navigate these bumpy waters.

Sometimes, dividing marital property can be even more complicated than settling the child issues in a divorce.  People often do not realize that not all retirements are treated equal, from pensions to IRAs to 401(k)s.  Some clients may also need other professional advice to figure out what their property is worth, such as a business valuation, real property appraisal, or separate property tracing.  As experienced family law attorneys, we can help you make educated decisions about how to divide your marital property by working with experts, when necessary.

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